can e-commerce and msmes co-exist in the country

Can e-commerce and MSMEs co-exist in the country – Introduction Market dynamics have led organisations to focus on customer satisfaction where information and communication technologies essential tools for selling goods and services over the Internet, known as electronic commerce ( Albarracín, Erazo and PalacioFor the quantitative variables, descriptive measures of central tendency -mean and median- were calculated, as well as the minimum and maximum. In addition, box and whisker plots constructed to compare the behaviour of these variables in the different sectors. In addition to this, the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test used.

The Principal Component Analysis technique used to complement the analysis results. This multivariate technique makes it possible to study the relationships between different variables (qualitative and quantitative) al. At the same time, it reduces the dimension of the problem and offers a better global understanding of the problem under study.

Can e-commerce and MSMEs co-exist in the country?

The qualitative research approach achieved through semi-structured in-depth interviews applied to five representative institutions and unions of MiPyMEs, such as Ibagué Chamber of Commerce, Representation of the Ministry of Technology and Communication in Ibagué  Fenalco Tolima, and the Secretary of Planning and ICT of Tolima. A content analysis of the interviews carried out to extract helpful information at would contribute to the objectives of the investigation, for which the data grouped into different categories and sub-categories of analysis1, and then the points highlighted.

 Conceptualisation: electronic commerce

Currently, marketing is characterizcharacterisedt improvement in processes, and in response to this, businesses worldwide are changing both in their organizatioorganisationir operations. There are different applications of electronic commerce that strategically and operationally impact the performance of organizatioorganisationsh in sales and profitability ( Albarracín, Erazo and Palacios, 2014; Hu, Yang and Yang, 2012; Jahanshahi, Rezaei, Nawaser, Ranjbar and Pitamber, 2012; Karagozoglu and Lindell, 2004). According to Jahanshahi, Rezaian, Nakase, Ranjbar and Pitamber (2012), these applications can be classified into five categories: advertising, payment systems, marketing, customer support or assistance, and ordering and distribution. However, for MSMEs to access these applications and benefits of electronic commerce, the introduction of this technology needs to go hand in hand with changes in internal processes and in external relationships with customers, partners and suppliers ( Brynjolfsson, Hitt and Yang., 2002; Jones, Motta and Alderete, 2016; Medina, Verástegui and Melo, 2012; Pullas, 2014 ).

Can e-commerce and MSMEs co-exist in the country?

This is how electronic commerce has become the means of carrying out changes in the sales and supply of organisations on a global scale, allowing companies to more efficient and flexible in their internal operations, and thus work closer to their suppliers and be more attentive to the needs and expectations of its customers ( Hu, Yang & Yang, 2012; Jahanshahi, Rezaei, Nawaser, Ranjbar & Pitamber, 2012 ).

Some concepts of electronic commerce highlighted below ( Table 2 ), which can be complementary to each other and will allow reaching a consensus on the conceptualisation adopted in the present study. The authors have in common that electronic commerce involves commercial transactions and information exchanges. As a second aspect, the use of information and telecommunications technologies to meet its objectives is highlighted; and finally, the ease of crossing geographical borders and reaching new markets.

can e-commerce and MSMEs co-exist in the country

s, 2014 ; Jones, Motta, and Alderete, 2016; Nami and Malekpour, 2008; Peak, Guynes, and Kroon, 2005; Su et al., 2001). This model allows companies to generate greater productivity and competitiveness due to the reduction of transaction costs and the visibility they generate through factors such as the foundation of the business, technology opportunities and the perception of entrepreneurs ( Chenhally Langfield-Smith, 2007; Henderson and Venkatraman, 1993; Raymond, Bergeron, and Croteau, 2013; Raymond, Croteau, and Bergeron, 2011; Medina, Verástegui and Melo, 2012 ).

The research tries to analyse the role of electronic commerce in the level of sales of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MiPyMEs) of some key sectors of the city of Ibagué (Industry, Commerce and Services), for which its seeks to Know the current state of electronic commerce and its importance, the causes of its use and non-use, and the position it has in the strategic plans of said organisations.

Initially, the research methodology was explained, highlighting the data collection techniques used. Then, the investigation’s preliminary results presented, and the conclusions and recommendations for discussion.


The research approach “Mixed”; it is qualitative and quantitative, considering the combination of the two systems. According to Ruiz, Borboa and Rodríguez ( 2013 ), the mixed approach is a process that collects and analyses. It links quantitative and qualitative data in the same study or a series of investigations to respond to a system.

For the quantitative analysis, a structured questionnaire with a clear objective designed with questions that led to solving the purposes set out in the investigation; the micro, small and medium-sized companies of Ibagué chosen as a sample, specifically the sectors: services, commerce and industry.

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