Can a rich man teach you to be rich?

your wealth Can a rich man teach you to be rich? – In today’s article, we will deal with a fascinating topic: whether a rich man can teach you how to be rich or, on the contrary, you cannot learn anything from him to improve your life situation.

And this can approached from two perspectives: First, if the rich are willing to teach what they have learned on their way. The second is if a rich person’s life experience can help other people.

As you can see, this is a critical topic for any entrepreneur on the path to being a successful person, like you, with your Shopify online store, so don’t miss out on what comes next.

Are you ready?

When discussing whether the rich can teach others to be rich, the first question is whether they are willing to do so. So let’s see it:

usually yes

Although it may seem untrue, the truth is that the vast majority of the rich are willing to explain how they got rich and advise anyone interested in becoming like them.

This may come as a surprise, especially to those who believe that wealth is a zero-sum game. That is a game in which for one to win, another has to lose. Many people have this vision of the economy.

It is evident that, if you have this way of seeing the economy, you think that a rich man does not want to teach others to be so. After all, to the extent that you teach someone to be rich, he will become rich at your expense.

It is better to keep him poor; that way,y, you can support his wealth. Because as I said, there is a perception that wealth is a zero-sum game in which what one loses is gained by the other and vice versa.

But it happens that the rich are aware that wealth is not a zero-sum game but rather a positive-sum game. It is a game in which both parties win when they play.

Your neighbour’s wealth is convenient for you. And your neighbour finds your wealth convenient. In fact, if it were true that wealth does not grow but that there is always someone who takes wealth from another, we would never have left the caves.

The reality that wealth is created, not given. And therefore, the fact that you create wealth does not imply taking it from anyone. What the rich do is teach how to generate that wealth.

Maslow’s Pyramid

Now, it must be understood that although the rich aware that teaching another person to be rich does not impoverish them, it is true that teaching takes time, and that time does imply a cost for the person who already is rich.

Why would he spend time teaching anyone how to be rich, then? Here comes into play what is called the Maslow Pyramid.

Maslow’s Pyramid explains that humans develop increasingly higher needs and desires, starting from the most basic and primitive, which is at the base of the pyramid.

Thus, physiological needs, such as food and rest, are at the base of the pyramid. Then there are security needs, such as good health or guaranteed physical safety.

The next step in the pyramid is affiliation, which has to do with feeling included in a group and refers, above all, to having a havener and a group of friends. Then comes the recognition part, which has to do with the success and respect of others.

Maslow’s Pyramid

Self-actualisation is on the top of the pyramid, which has to do with creativity, lack of prejudice, self-acceptance, etc.

Maslow says that, once needs of a lower part of the pyramid havemet, those immediately higher appear, and this continues until the top \reached.

And the rich, thanks to their money (although not only), have already passed the first three stage, andares in the transition from recognition to self-realization. And, at that point, one of the best ways to get recognition and self-realization is by serving the community.

How? Well, to a large extent, the best way for a rich person to contribute to the community is by explaining the ways that exist to get rich.

In this sense, you must understand that the rich man does not explain how you can get rich for you, but for himself. Because he has the need and desire, as Maslow indicates, for recognition and self-actualization.

That is why they can “waste time” on it, because they are not wasting it , but are investing it in achieving the next need in the pyramid , as indicated by Maslow.

they are no longer afraid

Finally, the rich have already reached a point where they are not afraid , because their own wealth guarantees their security even if, at some point, they lose part of their wealth or business opportunities.

Many people are starting to earn money in some field, and for fear that the entry of more people will lower the rate of return, they keep the business they have discovered.

However, when you reach a certain amount of wealth, doing so is pointless, because having a 5% or 2% return doesn’t make much of a difference to the wealth you already have.

For this reason, there are many rich people who are no longer afraid of revealing their tricks.