Chat Rooms Write For Us

Chat Rooms Write For Us – Chat was among the most popular Internet services, particularly among younger users. In a certain sense, it could consider that chats are the natural antecedents of social networks since it is typical for each user to have a list of “Contacts” or “Friends” whom they accept or not and only communicate with them. Acquaintances; even so, many chat services are semi-open; that is, it is possible to start conversations with strangers through an internal search engine. Chat users usually use a pseudonym or nickname (Nick) to identify themselves other than their real name (although sometimes it is something as simple as their name and a number like Pilar16, Alfonsito123, Lara224). Many adolescents put their age or year of birth after their name, which already provides two personal pieces of information they should not give.

From chat to instant messaging

At this age, our children wonder who they are and their place in the world. They have gone from an identity system run by their parents to having an identity system run by their peers in the same search process. They search together, comparing the answers they find and refining them more and more. It creates excellent insecurity because they are afraid they will not like the answer.

We must be aware of the need to communicate with our peers for them. Communicating with their peers provides a context that allows them to learn the rules and put them into practice through a social process, on the one hand, and personal reflection, on the other. s to them, they build a significant part of their relationships with the world.

Instant messaging helps adolescents meet two critical needs. Identity formation and group membership.

They must communicate intensively to compare attitudes, behaviours, ideologies and activities. In this way, they explore and decide how they want to be. This happens because instant messaging allows you to have immediate private conversations in real time, and at the same time, you can have discussions within a group with several friends.

Instant messaging allows communication from one to another and from one to many people. One type of communication used to make and maintain friendships, and the other to socialize.

The first used to compare thought and behaviour patterns crucial to developing your personal identity, while the second used to strengthen your social identity.

Open chats often described as disappointing places to waste time and not have a good time, while instant messaging between friends and verified acquaintances offers much better results. That is the reason why they hardly use chat anymore, which has almost become an obsolete technology.

Instant messaging via mobile phone is a complementary system by which young people communicate with each other, through which they can remain in permanent contact with their peers, and not for a limited time, as occurs when they meet in person.

Typically, they use this technology to talk to friends they see in person, although it allows them to expand their friendship circles to friends of friends who may be far away. Instant messaging will enable you to simulate your face-to-face meetings, prolong them and avoid the physical limitations of space.

Identity formation and group membership.

Surely they could do the same by talking on a mobile phone, but this usually entails an economic cost they cannot bear. Also, when you make a phone call, you can only talk to one other person, while instant messaging services allow you to create groups and communicate with several people simultaneously.

The landline telephone has difficulty because there is usually only one Line per household, and the long duration of the conversations they have would have the Line blocked for the use of other family members. That is why they use instant messaging, which they make compatible with other chores, such as studying or listening to music.

When they talk on the phone, they communicate better because they’re just doing that and concentrating on it, but usually, instant messaging sparks conversations that allow you to do other things simultaneously.

When they meet in person, they tend to communicate more with members of the same gender, but when they use instant messaging, they interact equally with both sexes.

He and the adolescent achieve a certain degree of self-confidence through inclusion in different social networks and acceptance in various groups. They can make groups like “High School”, “Neighborhood”, “Football”, or “Best friends”. In any case, they organize their contact lists based on who is in their phone book, which is already a good indication that they fulfil a social function with groups with which they identify and have a relationship in the analogue world.”””””””

Instant messaging meets this adolescent generation’s needs, which is why its use has been abandoned as their communication needs grow and change. At this time, and although we must consider the rapid change in communication technologies, adolescents who do not have access to instant messaging may feel socially excluded.

It must be borne in mind that they still appreciate the number of their relationships more than the quality; it is a space, sometimes chaotic, that represents and reflects their social world. Often, our children’s contact list can reach one hundred people.

Chat Rooms Write For Us

Instant messaging is a sophisticated version of traditional chat that has become much more popular today. Originally, conversations were accessed through the computer and were a channel for contacting and meeting people to share interests and concerns. Still, instant messaging programs go further: they have now become the most widespread communication channel between Internet users to maintain daily contact with friends and family, and this especially accentuated among the youngest for several reasons: it is usually accessible (or affordable) unlike mobile phone calls, they are easy to use, they do not require the immediate availability of the interlocutor to able to send the message, and they widely extended among ICT users.

The normalization of fast Internet connections in homes means that things as common as meeting to go out or asking about homework are carried out in writing with these instant messaging services.

There is even a verb coined for the case (chat), which can have some derivations depending on the platform (for example, what appears for WhatsApp users).

To use instant messaging programs (WhatsApp, Line, Telegram…), it is necessary to have a personal user account and a smartphone connected to the Internet. Those contacts in our phonebook with the same program installed as us will also appear as contacts to whom we can send messages.

Several instant messaging programs can be installed on the same device so that I can communicate with some people through Line and with others through Telegram… according to the tastes and needs of the users.

Chat Rooms Write For Us

We should always be aware of the substantial degree of trust we have with each of the people we communicate with and be prudent about the information we share with them and the preservation of our privacy.

Sometimes we have contact with people we do not know personally through social networks (friends of other friends, people who participate in a forum of our interest…). The natural tendency is that when we encounter someone we are interested in on the Internet, the next step is to get to know them a little more in-depth before adding them as friends to strengthen the relationship and ensure that contact is not lost.

What can be done in an instant messaging program?

status message

These programs usually allow you to type a short phrase next to the nickname that describes the user’s status. E.g. “Legolas: studying hard”, “Trinity: vacation!”, “Montana: a little angry”. In this way, our children are indicating to their friends what their general situation is, which may be, for example, “being busy”, which will only make them try to contact them for emergencies.


Also known as “emoticons”, smileys are small face-shaped icons used to express a state of mind: smile, anger, cry, astonishment. Conversations between adolescents often have the aspect of a hieroglyphic due to the high presence of visual icons used, which, after all, is a reflection of the predominance on the Internet, each time greater the image concerning the written text.

sending files

Messaging services allow the sending of images, video and audio files between users. In this regard, it should be noted that for some time now, instant messaging programs have become a new channel for transmitting viruses that can affect the devices they are using.

There is malicious software that literally “steals” the user’s account to send harmful and unwanted files to all the contacts that the user has in their address book. It is the same thing that viruses do through the mail, but it applies to mobile phones.

These shipments are camouflaged as a link to a website under the guise of a casual conversation, such as “here are the photos from the other day” or “this the file I told you about”.

The best way to prevent any damage is not to visit these links until we make sure that our interlocutor has sent it to us voluntarily and not through an automatic system.

Another practice with which you have to be very alert is sexting, which consists of sending other people photos of yourself with erotic or sexual content. In addition to the lack of respect that this conduct can imply from the person himself, it is hazardous since you lose control of that image or video as soon as you send them.

On the other hand, the simple possession of this type of image already constitutes a crime. If an image ever arrives with this type of content, it is best to delete it immediately. If there evidence that its dissemination intended to harm someone, it should reported as soon as possible.

The blackmail and level of harassment that people whose sexting images have ended up spread can be unbearable and highly harmful.


Many instant messaging programs allow you to send your current location and any part of the world to your contacts. This is especially useful when you want to say how to get to a specific place or where you are since this location service can often combine with a GPS navigation program that tells you how to get to said destination.

Chat Rooms Write For Us

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Why Write for Business Insider Blogs– Chat Rooms Write For Us

Why Write for Business Insider Blogs– Chat Rooms Write For Us

  • Writing for Business Insider Blog can expose your website to customers looking for Chat Room.
  • Business Insider Blog presence is on Social media, and it will share your article with the Chat Room-related audience. You can reach out to Affinity enthusiasts.


Chat Rooms Write For Us

That is to say, here at Business Insider Blogs, we publish well-researched, informative, and unique articles. In addition, we also cover reports related to the following:

Chat room (disambiguation).

Group Chat (talk show).

synchronous conferencing

asynchronous conferencing

online forums

graphical social environments

instant messaging


computer-mediated communication



online chat

audio/video conferencing

instant messaging


Guidelines of the Article – Chat Rooms Write For Us

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