Digital Marketing Write For Us – Digital advertising has transformed how companies promote their products and services, moving from the offline environment to the digital world. Advertising campaigns and creativity are challenging in attracting users’ attention online.

Previously, companies used to advertise offline through brochures, magazines, newspapers, etc., hoping that your advertising message could be seen by the right people at the right time.

Now, the Internet and digital tools have arrived to provide endless opportunities for companies and marketing professionals with online advertising.

Today’s companies take advantage of being found by anyone, sending messages through different digital channels, making sales online, analyzing results and verifying the achievement of objectives in real time.

Now all this is part of a reality we know as digital advertising. Join us in this article to learn about online advertising, its importance, advantages, types and examples.

What is digital advertising?

Digital advertising refers to all marketing efforts to publicize a brand and its products or services through different digital channels such as websites, social networks, emails, etc.

This new way companies now have to advertise has also brought with it the possibility of using and combining different digital media formats, such as images, videos, audio, etc., in any type of online advertisement.

The daily use of the Internet and the constant consumer changes have made companies compete for the different advertising spaces provided by Google, YouTube, and Facebook, among others.

Online advertising has arrived to increase the reach of companies, facilitate the channels in which they are promoted, diversify the formats in which they transmit their messages and, definitely, change how each of them is created, sold and measured. Your advertisements.

What is the difference between advertising and digital marketing?

Surely you have heard somewhere that advertising and digital marketing] are the same.

Well, that’s not true. Since we call digital marketing the entire set of actions and strategies that are carried out to give visibility and promote a business through the different digital platforms on the Internet.

While on the other hand, digital advertising refers to the primary tool that digital marketing has to promote the brand and the products or services of a company through different online channels.

Why is digital advertising important for a company?

The importance of digital advertising lies in the grand scope and notoriety that it can give a company to reach its target audience and make it carry out actions that allow it to achieve various objectives.

Online advertising has become the fundamental tool to promote brands, products or services much faster and more efficiently. This is because, with digital advertising, we can establish greater control over our advertising campaigns.

For example, we can decide when, how and where a campaign will be launched, what audience we will target and what content formats we will share.

Undoubtedly, it is impossible to refuse to adopt digital advertising and enjoy its benefits. That is why we famine you to know the main advantages that online advertising has for companies:

  • Reach and brand awareness: Increasing your company’s reach is much easier when you can display ads 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • More precise segmentation: segmenting the target audience based on sociodemographic aspects, lifestyle, personality and interests is a privilege compared to traditional advertising
  • Lower costs: Undoubtedly, online advertising is cheaper than traditional advertising since we only pay for the results obtained.
  • Measurement: now, it is possible to measure the results of each of the ads we make, thanks to the different digital advertising tools such as Google Analytics.

6 Types of digital advertising that you should implement in your company

Now that we know what digital advertising is and its importance, we will talk about the six (6) main types of advertising that every company must implement.

However, before we want to use any of these types of advertising, it is necessary to evaluate the specific objectives of the company and the budget available to invest in digital advertising.

1. Search engine advertising

This type of advertising is also known as search engine marketing (SEM), which appears in the results of different search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing. SEM ads are distinguished by a small text that says “ad” or even “ad” and is positioned at the top or bottom of search results.

2. Display advertising

Display advertising can be found in different apps, websites or social networks through various formats of advertising banners (images, animations and videos) that show a call to action and generally redirect us to a landing page. Or a specific website.

3. Native advertising

Native advertising (or branded content) is a form that integrates organically and “naturally” into the environment where it will be displayed so that it does not interrupt the user experience, whether on social networks or on a website. The focus of this type of ad is not only to generate conversions but also to add value.

4. Advertising on social networks

Advertising on social networks is one that we should always include in our digital advertising strategy since there are millions of users to whom we can send our ads.

There are several types of ads on social networks in exciting advertising formats such as images in sequence, with action buttons, videos, presentations, etc., which vary according to the objectives you seek to achieve and the advertising platform you use: Facebook Ads, Linkedin Ads, Youtube Ads, etc.

5. Email marketing

This is the advertising we usually carry out by sending emails to a contact base that we have previously organized and segmented according to the different characteristics of our target audience (or Buyer Persona).

Thanks to this digital advertising, we can send personalized emails to our customer prospects at each stage of their purchase journey.

6. Remarketing

Retargeting or remarketing goes far beyond our expectations and the concept of “precision” since it shows personalized advertisements to users who have interacted with the website, social networks and/or the company’s products or services.

We may take advantage of remarketing to show users ads that are timely and relevant to their recent interactions with the business.

Main digital advertising media

We find different media on which the other advertisements are shared within digital advertising. According to Hubspot, the primary means of digital advertising are the following:

Social media – Digital Marketing Write For Us

Here we find all the online advertising on various social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, etc., and follow each platform’s different policies and recommendations to achieve the objectives we define in each advertising campaign.


This is the type of digital audio advertising (also known as Audio Ads ) that we can see or listen to through the different audio streaming formats and channels, for example, radio/online stations, podcasts or audiobooks.


Video advertising or video advertising is the one that uses the online video format as a protagonist to share out-stream ads, which appear on websites or applications, and in-stream, which appear before, during and after playing a video.

Streaming – Digital Marketing Write For Us

This digital advertising format is also known as over-the-air transmission (OTT). Items to any type of video content shared on Internet streaming media, for example, Twitch or Fire TV events.

Mo events bible

The advertising is adapted and destined directly for mobile devices that, sometimes, we do not even get to see in desktop formats. Mobile ads are currently gaining a leading role in online advertising.

6 key steps to invest in digital advertising – Digital Marketing Write For Us

Before investing in digital advertising, we must consider factors such as what our objective will be, what type of message we want to announce and, above all, what will be the target audience we will address with the advertising campaign that we carry out.

In addition, we will need a guide of steps with which the path to follow is traced to advertise in the different digital channels. Let’s see what they are:

1. Define the Buyer Persona you will focus your campaign on – Digital Marketing Write For Us

This must always be the first step to carrying out any advertising and digital marketing strategy: define the target audience.

Any advertising effort we make will be in vain if we don’t know who we are addressing. That is why a Buyer Persona is essential to winning over the right people at the ideal time and in the right channel.

2. Determine the objective of your advertising campaign

We can hardly know what to aim for without a goal to draw without an intent to draw. We must be very clear about the purpose we want to achieve, and for that, it is necessary to analyze the range of actions that digital advertising offers us on its different platforms.

From generating a great reach and brand recognition to working on customer retention and loyalty. In this case, we recommend taking into account the different stages of the buyer’s journey and start defining objectives for each of them.

3. Choose the advertising platform according to your objective

The benefits of online advertising have allowed us to have several advertising platforms to choose from. Each of these has multiple options, formats, actions and goals that we can achieve.

The most important thing here is to know where our Buyer Persona is because it is this person we want to reach and impact with our advertisements.

4. Set the budget that you are going to invest – Digital Marketing Write For Us

For many companies, digital advertising is still a “secondary and non-essential investment”. But the truth is that online advertising has become an important place in any company’s marketing strategy and profitability.

So, to begin with, we recommend setting a budget in which the minimum viable amount to pay per day is established. Then, we must analyze the audience’s behaviour with our ads to verify their profitability and, in this way, consider the possibility of increasing the budget invested.

5. Create the campaign and banner ads – Digital Marketing Write For Us

The advertising campaign can usually include several types of advertisements. So we must continually expand our options, diversify our message and analyze those advertisements performing well advertisements.

On the other hand, it is vital to emphasize that the campaigns we run must have a clear purpose and, without a doubt, respond to some needs that our target audience has.

6. Periodically measure and analyze your results

Finally, we must measure and analyze the results obtained in each campaign launched. It is worth mentioning that the measurement and analysis process is facilitated by the different analysis tools that have advertising platforms, such as Facebook Ads with Ads Manager or Google Ads with Google Analytics.

In this last stage, we recommend constantly conducting the analysis process to improve and optimize each advertising campaign.

Digital Marketing Write For Us

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