Entrepreneur Write For Us

Entrepreneur Write For Us – An enterprising person sees an opportunity everywhere. Entrepreneurs are enthusiastic and positive; when many see problems, they figure out how to fix them.

But what is an entrepreneur? They usually take risks and make sacrifices to achieve their objectives and goals. However, as one might think, not all those who undertake have the same characteristics or pursue the same type of entrepreneurship.

If you want to exploit your attributes, you must first identify your traits as an entrepreneur and thus use them to your advantage. You should also know the most common types of ventures to inspire to enter the business world in one of these areas.

Below we show you different types of entrepreneurs and the characteristics of each personality.

Table of Contents

1. Visionary entrepreneur

Turn your vision into business, but keep your feet on the ground. This type of entrepreneur has the knack for seeing the future realistically. Despite living well planted in reality, he likes to daydream, and if he sees an opportunity, he doesn’t hesitate to take it.

The advantage of idealizing your dreams is that you do everything possible to carry them out. This aspect differentiates him from other entrepreneurs since he is unequivocal that just dreaming will not get him anywhere. He must take action.

Recommendation for this type of entrepreneur: vision can be used in your favour when you imagine everything you can achieve, as long as they are achievable goals.
If you are this type of entrepreneur, the best thing to do is to form an effective work team that will help you scale towards your goals.

Characteristics of the visionary entrepreneur

The visionary entrepreneur is a futurist who envisions what is coming in the long term and is two steps ahead of everyone else. His characteristics include the following:

  • Dreamer
  • Passionate
  • Creative
  • Bold
  • Persistent

Example of a visionary entrepreneur

In this category, there are many examples of people who have been disruptive or revolutionary in their sector, who innovated to create something that had not been seen before. An example is Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, who envisioned creating a personal computer and was a pioneer and inspiration for many more to develop a great industry based on his ideas.

2. Investor entrepreneur

This entrepreneur likes to invest and has the financing to do so. His main objective is to grow his money to generate more opportunities. He is very good at making a profit on something; he detects excellent and bad options, so he knows when he shouldn’t take chances.

He can become excessively ambitious, so one of his main weaknesses is not knowing when to stop, which leads him to make mistakes.

Recommendation for this type of entrepreneur: look for trusted advisors to help you make decisions so you can have more arguments before taking a risk.

Characteristics of the investor entrepreneur

This type of entrepreneur has a nose for business and trusts their instincts. Its main features are:

  • Sagacious
  • Ambitious
  • Risky
  • Strategic
  • Prompt

Example of an investor entrepreneur

Today’s big investors were once entrepreneurs and still are every time they start a new project. An example is Warren Buffett, a highly dynamic American businessman who is always looking for where to invest his capital with Berkshire Hathaway.

3. Opportunistic entrepreneur

He takes advantage of the opportunities presented to him to obtain any result and is a born experimenter. Always observe and analyze before taking action.

These entrepreneurs are very good at looking for more than one solution because there are thousands of ways to improve and make something functional. Where someone sees a barrier, the opportunistic entrepreneur is already looking for an alternative.

Recommendation for this type of entrepreneur: if you identify with this profile, we recommend you be even more observant: maybe you have a million-dollar idea right now, right in front of you, and don’t notice it. Take advantage of your resources and make them work.

Characteristics of the opportunistic entrepreneur

Being an opportunist is sometimes understood negatively, but in reality, the person knows how to detect and take advantage of opportunities. The main characteristics of this entrepreneur are:

  • Observer
  • Advantageous
  • Certain
  • Persuasive
  • Witty

Example of the opportunistic entrepreneur

These entrepreneurs know how to create alliances since they can transform someone’s idea into a reality or transfer it to sectors that no one would have imagined. An example could be Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook (today Meta), who started from an interconnected university network to a global platform.

4. Passionate entrepreneur

He loves to work. He cannot just keep the idea in mind but must make it come true. When something motivates him, he is filled with energy, so much so that he can spend hours and hours working without complaining. He really enjoys what he does. His advantage is passion, which will be the engine not to be defeated.

Recommendation for this type of entrepreneur: indeed, you are good at motivating people, but you must consider that your ideas have to be attractive to others. Be wise to direct your vision towards something profitable; You can help yourself by reading about entrepreneurship, for example, with these 10 unmissable books.

Characteristics of the Passionate Entrepreneur

These entrepreneurs captivate when speaking because they express their ideas with a great passion for what they do. Among the main characteristics, it stands out:

  • Energetic
  • Dynamic
  • In focus
  • inspiring
  • obsessive

Example of the passionate entrepreneur

Every entrepreneur has an incredible drive to work to materialize their ideas. An example is Andrés Moreno, the creator of Open English, an English teaching system that has become popular in Latin America. Andrés started his business with few resources but overflowed with his passion when he saw that the English language could be a barrier to any Latin American’s professional and personal development.

5. Entrepreneur out of necessity

Your lack of options motivates you to generate income quickly. Being an entrepreneur out of necessity does not mean that you are forced to be, but rather that you are very quick to look for opportunities. This type of entrepreneur is good at developing ideas and putting them into action quickly.

Recommendation for this type of entrepreneur: surround yourself with a work team to help you achieve your goals. Remember that not only is it enough to have an idea, but it is also profitable.

Characteristics of the entrepreneur by necessity

In this case, the context has helped him discover the entrepreneur who already lived in it, so its main characteristics are:

  • Stubborn
  • Skilled
  • Deal maker
  • decisive
  • Decided

Example of the entrepreneur by necessity

This type of entrepreneur has no time to lose, so he sets clear objectives for results. An example in this category is Cris Urzua, a Mexican entrepreneur who, in an economic crisis, saw the need to do something to get out of that situation and created an academy (MAS Academy) and several programs focused on the training and development of sales.

6. Persuasive entrepreneur

He knows how to positively influence people’s actions, as he is a born leader.  may not be an entrepreneur who gives ideas, but he is the person who leads and provides the necessary impetus to carry them out. He is usually the one who gets people to join a project or knows how to attract clients.

Recommendation for this type of entrepreneur: if you are persuasive, never use your ability for negative actions. Get the best out of others and get good business deals without manipulation.

Characteristics of the persuasive entrepreneur

This type of entrepreneur is a natural leader who knows how to move people and works with teams, which helps to enhance the capabilities of each of its members. Among his characteristics, we have:

  • Leader
  • influencer
  • motivator
  • Affable
  • Empathic

Example of the persuasive entrepreneur

These entrepreneurs stand out from the crowd and are a source of inspiration. An example may be Seth Godin, an American entrepreneur and motivator who gives various conferences on marketing, technology, and leadership topics. In addition, he is the founder of Akimbo, an educational platform.

7. Social entrepreneur

Make no mistake: the social entrepreneur does not know how to relate to everyone or one who has many friends. His work goes further, as this type of entrepreneur wants to change the world.

It is common to see him looking for innovative solutions and trying to positively influence others and the world. His cause focuses on promoting and generating profits to combat societal problems, such as discrimination, poverty, and environmental damage, among others.

Recommendation for this type of entrepreneur: if you are like this, we suggest you use all your energy to create solid businesses that provide the stability your social causes need. Do not lose control of your projects.

Characteristics of the social entrepreneur

This entrepreneur proposes causes for the good of humanity, so he is a warrior, revolutionary and a bit of a rebel, which can cause him some trouble organizing. If it is challenging to undertake, it is twice as difficult if you fight for a social cause. For this reason, among its characteristics, the following stand out:

  • strong values
  • Full
  • Sensitive
  • courageous
  • Solidary

Example of the social entrepreneur

His venture focuses on something that will benefit many. An example of this type of entrepreneur is Inés Vázquez Ríos, an exceptional female entrepreneur who founded Adalab, a school to help women in technical training. Obviously, her cause is to encourage and empower women.

8. Entrepreneur by chance

Hmong, his character is that he likes to take risks. This type of entrepreneur may have inherited a successful business. e was often invited by friends or relatives to be part of a project, and he accepted.

Recommendation for this type of entrepreneur: be organized and committed. If you have a good business, do not neglect it because you risk losing it. If you do not have training in business management, it is never too late to start learning.

Characteristics of the entrepreneur by chance

It is also of great value to take advantage of the chance, that is, being at the right time in the right place. These entrepreneurs stand out for these characteristics:

  • Engaged
  • Systematic
  • Adventurous
  • Diplomatic
  • Bold

Example of the entrepreneur by chance

This type of entrepreneur depends in a certain way on others or a specific context, but when they have reached that point where they can undertake, they do so with great dedication. An example in this category is the Argentine Marcos Galperin, creator of the booming e-commerce platform Mercado Libre. Although he was a committed scholar with entrepreneurial ideas, chance contacted him with finance professor Jack McDonald, who helped him materialize what is today one of the most famous marketplaces in the world.

9. Intuitive entrepreneur

Such an entrepreneur seems to sense good opportunities and take risks. He follows his hunches and is carried away by his impulses. Not asking for someone else’s advice is one of his potential downsides, which can lead him to make bad decisions.

Recommendation for this type of entrepreneur: if you are an entrepreneur of this type, it is better that you surround yourself with a working group that will help you carry out a more profound analysis of your hunches. You must take advantage of your ability to find opportunities and achieve profitable and generous ideas.

Characteristics of the intuitive entrepreneur

More than dreaming about his ideas, this entrepreneur feels them and these sensations guide his actions. They stand out for being:

  • Sensible
  • Observer
  • Holistic
  • Outgoing
  • Risky

Example of the intuitive entrepreneur

All types of entrepreneurs have a high capacity for intuition, but in this case, it is their very essence, so they make connections to events where others do not see them. An example of an intuitive entrepreneur is the Guatemalan Luis Von Ahn, who followed his hunches to understand what people need and connected it with his computer knowledge to create solutions such as Captcha and Recaptcha, which were acquired by Google in 2009.

10. Specialist entrepreneur

He is often confused with the visionary entrepreneur, although the difference is that his vision focuses on a single project or a specific topic. He is very good at reasoning and becomes an expert by concentrating on a single issue.

Recommendation for this type of entrepreneur: if you think you are a specialist entrepreneur, do not leave aside other knowledge or opportunities that can complement your ideas. You don’t know if your vision can become more powerful if you let others positively influence you.

Characteristics of the specialist entrepreneur

This is an entrepreneur more focused on something, who knows how to identify his abilities and take advantage of them, so his most important characteristics are:

  • Balanced
  • Purpose
  • In focus
  • Trusted
  • Cautious

Example of the specialist entrepreneur

In this area, many entrepreneurs have had a single great idea that very well materialized. One example is Jimena Flórez, a Colombian businesswoman who founded Chaak Healthy Snacks, a company focused on healthy foods. Jimena is not a woman of a single idea, but she has specialized in the field of nutrition and health; Her efforts before her company were focused on pretty much the same industry until she acsucceededith Chaak Healthy Snacks.

And just as there are different types of entrepreneurs, the reasons they are undertaken can also be diverse. Next, we share the most common ones.

1. Scalable entrepreneurship

While all types of startups seek to grow, not all brands or businesses expect to become multinational companies. Perhaps the sector or the type of product or service is not so scalable, so the main objective is to position it in the market and keep it profitable to cover the basic needs of the entrepreneur.

For example, a small business involves a smaller investment and fewer employees. This can stay as a local business or scale through eCommerce and shipping to different areas of the country. However, there are also those ventures in which the entrepreneur seeks to expand in the medium or long term. This may mean becoming the leader in your industry or sector or opening more branches across the country or around the world.

This entails more excellent financing and even getting partners who are committed to the venture so that it can grow in a sustained and safe way. Similarly, it requires more employees and technology that can help manage the business as it grows.

In this sense, you can rely on a business simulator to learn and measure what a venture requires.

2. Social entrepreneurship

This type of entrepreneurship can also be known as humanistic entrepreneurship and seeks to generate an impact on society. It does so by resolving various problems such as ethical, environmental, health, educational or human rights.

Social entrepreneurship is often spearheaded by non-profit companies. This means that they require the support of foundations or organizations that sympathize with their causes to obtain financial and advertising resources. In this way, they can spread the message correctly and successfully.

3. Innovative entrepreneurship

This type of entrepreneurship is based on developing and researching an innovative product or service that positively impacts the current market.

New ventures often require strong investor support, as the development phases can be costly. With the necessary help and effort, it can become a highly profitable venture due to its innovation and urgency of use.

There are financing programs known as incubators that help entrepreneurs develop their projects.

4. Imitation entrepreneurship

When an existing idea in the market is functional, it is entirely valid to want to repeat it. Imitation or mirror entrepreneurship is based on setting up a concept already established by other entrepreneurs and replicating the success obtained.

An example of imitation entrepreneurship can be the acquisition of a franchise already established in the market. While the idea is functional and profitable, a fair amount of investment is needed to pay for the use of the brand and hire the right staff to put it to work.

5. Opportunistic entrepreneurship

This type of venture requires an entrepreneur capable of detecting urgent needs at specific times. This business model must be designed quickly and intelligently to make the most of a situation. Where there is a lack, there is a business opportunity.

6. Small business

A small enterprise refers to those small companies formed, for the most part, as a form of self-employment. It can also be called a sole proprietorship since the business is usually run in all respects by the owner and has few employees.

It is usually started with its own capital and is considered local as it does not have an immediate intention to expand or become a global company.

7. Incubator entrepreneurship

It is estimated that more than 6,000 startups are operating in Latin America. Although this type of venture is usually hazardous, since 90 out of 100 startups fail after 2 years, they can also become highly profitable and positively impact both financially and socially.

This type of venture requires a lot of research and external capital to conduct the necessary analyses to determine which businesses are most likely to generate successful results.

8. Technological entrepreneurship

As its name indicates, this type of entrepreneurship is related to technology or science. It is usually combined with innovative entrepreneurship since the products or services developed are creative and significantly impact significantly. The impact is a venture requiring considerable capital; these projects are regularly supported by government or private entities, which provide everything necessary for the prprovidethe market as soon as possible.

Today we know of many successful entrepreneurs who have revolutionized the world, but why not become the protagonist of your success story too? Analyze the types of entrepreneurs and ventures we share with you in this article and determine which one you are. Based on this, start drawing your goals and get to work.

Entrepreneur Write For Us

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