Growing a few centimeters is possible if you practice these sports

Growing a few centimeters is possible if you practice these sportsGrowing a few centimeters is possible if you practice these sports – Don’t worry; even if you are not a teenager in total growth, if you become fond of any of the disciplines we tell you about, you will be able to boast of extra centimetres. The height that generalised complex from which we try to escape during our school years. “With your tall parents, I’m sure you’ll grow a lot,” everyone told me at 16. And, of course, I swelled up like a peacock, imagining that I would reach the 1.80 cm of Victoria’s Secret models.

My joy in a well. When I was 21, I understood that I would not exceed 1.68 cm. A height that, although, within the normal range, I have always wanted to improve. Is it possible to gain an acetimeter in size when we are already adults,s and our growth curve can only stay or go down? Could you hold on to the chair because the answer is yes?

Growing a few centimeters is possible if you practice these sports Why do we decrease?

Does a thing call gravity sound familiar to you? We should add to the force that prevents our feet from leaving the ground. In that case, the loss of thickness of the intervertebral discs due to ageing, poor posture and less elasticity gives us a negative total of centimetres.

You’ll inevitably shrink as you blow out the candles on your birthday cake. And if you are not tall, you should pay attention to me.

To be more technical, our body has non-bony segments called growth plates, which play a fundamental role in our body structure. These plaques, together with growth hormones, are responsible for our height.

swing basket

The sport for tall people par excellence is ideal for your body to stretch to the maximum. The key is that basketball keeps your bones in shape due to the constant movement and repeated jumping during the game.

The latter cause excess blood flow in the growth plates that help them gain a few inches. Have you never seen the players stretch like a flying cat to get to touch the basket ring? Well, that.


One of the most complete disciplines. In your case, it will help you gain a few centimetres since it activates the arms, legs, back and abdomen muscles, making them stretch and, therefore, protecting the adjacent bones and not ‘oxidising’ over time.

However, the most important thing is the very position we adopt when swimming. While we are watering, our body is floating horizontally and negates gravity. Therefore, the entire upper body undergoes a stretching and contracting process that helps maintain good posture and growth.

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If before we said that swimming helped the upper part of our body, soccer makes us grow by strengthening our lower body. During a soccer game, the players run for 90 minutes. Some more than others, but I’m not going to get into that. During this time, the muscles of the knees and thighs stretch and help us maintain a straighter and taller body frame.


Didn’t you imagine that sitting, you were going to be able to grow? You are right. When you ride a bike, you do the same work with your legs as if you were playing soccer.

High jump and jump rope

I put them in the same bag because they are both beneficial in increasing our height for the same reason. When you practice them, they suspend your body in the air and cause the muscles to contract and stretch due to the lack of gravity. One-inch marching, please.

Food is also essential.

You should start practising these sports, but pay attention to your diet. Calcium is essential for our bones to remain healthy and strong for longer and thus prevent osteoporosis. Some bones in good condition will make the stoop we suffer over time slower and less pronounced.

According to data from the study “Osteoporosis: a public health problem”, dairy products and cereals (calcium), oily fish (vitamin D), nuts and legumes (phosphorus) and green leafy vegetables should not be missing from your diet. Dark, like spinach and broccoli (vitamin K).

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