how does insider trading affect the economy

beingshow does insider trading affect the economy – Introduction In the exercise of the profession it is convenient that with a simple approach to reality we are aware of the role that ethics, law and compliance with tax obligations have in society. With the integration of this last theme, we seek reflection on what the fulfillment of obligations and the exercise of rights imply, coupled with the level of individual and collective values.

What is a citizen?

A meaning of “citizen” tells us that it is the inhabitant of modern States who plays the role of subject of political rights and who intervenes exercising them in the government of the country. Therefore, the citizen corresponds to the men and women who assume themselves as subjects who recognize for themselves and for others the rights of their human dignity, who, moved according to their identifications and differences, privately agree on various areas of interaction. Likewise, they elect authorities whom they perceive as their representatives and who associate to participate collectively in the deliberation of public decisions.

What is a professional?

All professions imply ethics, since they are always related in one way or another with other human beings; some indirectly, which are activities that have to do with objects, and others, directly with human beings, such as educators, journalists, psychologists, doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc. For the latter, the ethical norms of their profession are more evident, since they must permanently deal with people in the course of carrying out their profession. The ethics of each profession depends on the treatment and relationship that each professional applies to the specific cases that may arise in the personal or social spheres.

We must recognize the importance of ethics in the profession and in the activities of the public sector, thus collaborating in the process of professional training, and promoting interest in the study and practice of ethical values ​​that will be very useful in the life as a citizen and professional.

What is ethics?

Some students of human behavior find small differences in the use of the words ethics and morals. This is because both practically have the same meaning and are related to each other. Namely, the word ethics comes from the Greek ethos (character, temperament, habit, way of being) and the word moral derived from the Latin mos., mores (custom, habit). Both words (ethos and mos.) located in the field of ethics and emphasize a mode of conduct that acquired through habit and not by natural disposition.

Every day an act judged morally and it affirmed that it or not ethical, that good or bad, if this act in favor or against the nature and dignity of the human being.

According to Escobar (1992) ethics illustrates us about the reason for moral conduct and the problems it studies are those that arise every day in daily life, in school work or in professional activity.

Human values

To largely avoid the ethical-moral problems that arise in the exercise of a profession or trade, ethical principles must put into practice that establish the parameters and rules that describe the behavior that a person may or may not express in Certain moment. It is not difficult to put these principles into practice, but omitting them will result in your own detriment and that of the people with whom you intervene or interact. “A decision in which the ethical behavior of a person involved will always be framed in one of the principles and values ​​indicated here.” 2

  1. Learn to know your weaknesses and limitations and dedicate yourself to trying to overcome them, requesting the advice of your most experienced colleagues.
  2. Defend your beliefs and values, rejecting hypocrisy and unscrupulousness, and not adopt or defend the philosophy that the end justifies the means by putting aside its principles.
  3. Keep your promises and meet your obligations and not justify a breach or evade responsibility.
  4. Act honestly and sincerely in offering support, especially in adversity, and reject undue influences and conflicts of interest.
  5. Be impartial, fair, and offer equal treatment to others. Keep an open mind, accept changes and admit mistakes when you understand that you have been wrong.
  6. Being willing to surrender without condition to the fulfillment of the duty towards others with attention, courtesy and service.
  7. Show respect for human dignity, privacy and the right to self-determination.
  8. Citizen responsibility. Respect, obey the laws and have a social conscience.
  9. Be diligent, enterprising and be well prepared to carry out their work responsibly and effectively.
  10. To be a model of honesty and ethical morality when assuming responsibilities and defending the truth above all else.
  11. Impeccable conduct. The confidence of others rests on the example of irreproachable moral and ethical conduct.

Ethics and behavior in society

Ethical questioning is inherent to human action, which is why it is common to face situations that require decision-making in the individual and social order. Making a decision in general can affect other people or some element of the environment, it is not an easy task. The foregoing requires taking ethical principles into account and forces a series of questions to asked that must be answered by reflective work by the individual before making a decision, since any of them, however simple it may seem, can be a source of conflict.

Acting intelligently requires that we carefully consider the best way to achieve our goals and also the value of those goals, so that we set ourselves only ethically acceptable goals. Public organizations have the responsibility and convenience of acting according to ethical standards and making values ​​that correspond to current ethics prevail. This provides it with a good reputation, authority, trust and credibility on the part of the citizenry.