How E-commerce is Helpful to Business Success

How e-commerce is helpful to business success – When the Internet came into our lives, we could not have imagined it would revolutionize our lifestyles and behaviour as consumers and businessmen. Electronic commerce, or e-commerce, is proof of this, undergoing a massive transformation in a concise time.

In recent months we have seen how the sale of products through electronic commerce has grown exponentially,. Many companies and freelancers have launched, forced by the pandemic, to sell their products on the Internet.

These purchases and sales occur not only through electronic commerce platforms but also stomping commercial transactions through social networks.

What is electronic commerce?

A basic definition of electronic commerce would be that of a new business model in which all commercial transactions are carried out through the Internet.

Therefore, there must be a website, mobile application or social network in which, as in a physical store, the products are displayed, their characteristics are discussed, and the order and payment of the product can be placed.

Behaviour of electronic commerce during the last year

If the volume of sales through electronic commerce was already enormous (in January 2020, the data was given that it reached 12,000 million euros only in Spain), with the pandemic, this figure is growing 20% ​​more than the year former.

30% of Spaniards make their purchases exclusively online. Many have started doing them due to the pandemic, and a percentage close to 40% affirm that they will maintain this habit.

The consumption habits of the Spanish during the confinement have been food, but they also consumed sports articles, culture and technology.

Once we have come out of confinement and facing these last months of the year, the most demanded products are fashion, footwear, accessories and mobile devices.

It is true that an unexpected event, such as the pandemic this year, can turn any situation around and change consumer habits.

These have returned to buying in physical stores, but online shopping continues to rise in many sectors.

As complementary information, and essential if you are considering opening e-commerce, the majority of consumers make the purchase through the computer, 83%, followed by the mobile with 55%, 18% through the tablet and 8 % through intelligent tv.

This is important since if you consider opening electronic commerce, you have to consider the usability of the web and the platform.

Why create e-commerce?

There are many reasons, but we are going to focus on some fundamental ones:

Expand the range of clients

If you already have a physical store or company, opening e-commerce will expand the field of sale, reach all of Spain, or even broaden internationally, something that the physical store limits the area of sale to local customers.

The store will be open 24 hours a day.

While you are sleeping, your sales may will continue to grow exponentially.

You don’t have to invest a lot of money

The various forms of electronic commerce through the web, apps, or social networks will not mean a high investment.

Of course, you should entrust the work to a professional agency so that there is no mistake, since, in these cases, if you do not know how to do it and do not have time to maintain it, the saving will be much more expensive.

If you are a beginner, we recommend reading the previous article that we published on digital commerce or electronic commerce.

Cheaper costs than traditional trade

You will not have the high costs of local personnel or facilities as in a traditional business.

And if you already have one, indeed you have an internet connection, with which part of the costs will be covered.

News and innovations available to more customers

When launching a new product or that will be an innovation in your business, doing it through electronic commerce will mean that it will reach more people, so you can more easily test if customers like it and, therefore, if it is worth it continuing to sell.

In addition, if this is accompanied by your visibility on social networks, you will be able to have more significant interaction with your target and know more reliably what their tastes are.

This will help you a lot when it comes to innovating or not with some products.

You will make a mark

You may already have a recognized track record, a trade for many years and you known in the closest areas.

If you want to make your brand go much further, with your e-commerce sales platform and the help of social networks, your online reputation will quickly grow.

The Most Popular e-commerce Platforms


The WordPress eCommerce platform is the best for open-source platforms.

WooCommerce is the name of the free plugin that converts websites designed with WordPress into electronic commerce.

If you want to start shaping your e-commerce, it is one of the best options, and even the big brands use it.


Indeed when you think of electronic commerce, this is one of the platforms you have heard about the most.

It an open-source platform, and you can implement it for free, with templates and plugins being paid.

Being one of the best-known platforms in our country, you will not have a problem regarding the information about it because everything you find will be in Spanish.

It is another the platform that you can consider if you want to start from scratch, but you have to keep in mind that if you don’t know how to program, it can cause you many problems.

The best experts at your fingertips

At GraciAds, we know what it costs to start a business from scratch and maintain it.

We also know that the self-employed and companies, if there is something they lack, time.

And in the case of electronic commerce, so that everything goes as you want, without setbacks and within the established deadlines, the most important thing is to have the best experts.

At GraciAds ,we can help you create your e-commerce and give it the visibility it deserves by growing your brand, even from scratch.

Visit our website and contact us if you want to start optimizing and taking off with your e-commerce today.

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