Product Management Write For Us

Product Management Write For Us – A new product launch strategy requires a meticulous process, whether you are a restaurant, online retailer, manufacturer, or any other type of business. According to Harvard research, 95% of consumer products launched each year fail .

Therefore, it is crucial to know as much about your target market as possible while designing and developing a new product. One of the options to achieve this is to survey your current customers to see if they might be interested in a new offer.

This step is particularly important if your new product launch strategy involves entering an entirely new market. For this reason we provide you with keys and examples to prepare the questions about a new product so that you achieve the benefit of your sales objectives . After all, we want your product to be a success.

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Why do a survey before launching a new product?

If you are going to estimate the actual market size for your product launch, it is imperative that you identify who within your potential market will actually use your product based on a problem or need that you can solve.

While there are numerous methods you can use to determine the size of your market, online surveys offer the most cost-effective, convenient, and direct route simply by asking people if they are interested in your product offering.

Thanks to survey software , conducting a product survey is easier than ever. Whether you’re in the early stages of prototyping a new product, or looking to improve an existing one, the great thing about product surveys is that they can provide you with valuable feedback to use in your marketing strategies.

Furthermore, product surveys are not only useful in product marketing, but also in product design, placement, and distribution.

Here are some additional benefits of new product question surveys:

In the current line of products and services

By getting feedback from existing customers through a customer loyalty survey, you’ll learn things about your current product line that they like and new features that you may want to add to improve the product and service experience for your actual customers.

About prototypes of products and new services

Product surveys are a useful tool during the prototype planning phase, shortly before you bring your product to market. This can help you narrow down your target audience and gauge interest in your new product or service.

In setting the price

Knowing the right price to offer your products and services is key to maximizing profits. Setting a price that is too low for what your customers are willing to pay can backfire, and setting a price that is too high can lead to fewer sales. A quick price survey can help you determine if your product or service is the right price for your target market.

When identifying new markets for a stagnant product

A product that is stagnant or in a saturated market is likely to work better in a new niche or alternative target market.

In competitive analysis

Surveys work as a tool to learn more about how your product is doing compared to other competitors in the marke

1. Could this product be part of the consumer items that you include in your life?

This question won’t necessarily tell you if the product works to solve a problem. Rather, it focuses on whether it belongs on the wish list of your buyer persona that you already researched during the development stage.

2. Do the problems that this product will solve actually exist in your daily life?

By knowing the answer, you will also find out if you have a good understanding of the target you want to address and the utility that your product will see.

3. How complex is the use of this product?

You will have many doubts resolved if you allow one of your potential consumers to test the product at this stage. The complexity of use, in this case, will allow you to make an adjustment or two in its functions to simplify it.

In addition, you will have an idea of ​​the content that should be created in your marketing strategy to educate your customers (instructional videos, blog posts, sessions for answering questions on social networks, participation of influencers or professionals, etc.).

4. Does the communication that accompanies the product clearly mention the differentiating aspects that are most relevant to you?

Thanks to this question, you will be able to take advantage of the opportunity to review if the packaging offers the necessary information, if the marketing strategy that accompanies it allows people to get a clear idea of ​​what your product is for and why it is a good idea to buy it or if something needs to be changed.

5. Are the features and functions of the product relevant?

That is, if what you offer with your product has not focused solely on aesthetic aspects over the quality of its components, its durability, its functionality or the simplicity with which it solves a problem. If you really want to make a difference in the lives of your customers, make sure you offer it.

6. Do you think this product responds to a trend?

Sometimes the consumer can immediately tell when an item is simply following the same steps as others, and thus won’t get very far once the fad is replaced with a newer one.

Also, by knowing this answer you will know the impression that your new product makes on people (it is not the same to think: “Yet another white laptop on the shelves, like the ones from Apple” than “Great! A laptop, light like the one introduced by Apple, but with the advantage of adding peripherals from the brand of my choice») and planning how to promote it.

7. Have you found a better option similar to this product in the competition?

You will hear firsthand if what you offer stands out from the rest of the competition . Even if you open a new market option that did not exist before, or at least was not known among the prospects you are going to target.

8. If you already knew this brand, do you think this product faithfully represents it?

For the construction of your brand to continue to strengthen , it is essential that, with each new launch, people identify you immediately. You will want your reputation to always be positive, and also to stay in a line that allows you to speak immediately to your target audience. Just like other brands, they do it just by showing their logo or their characteristic range of colors.

9. What has been the reason why you would recommend this product to another person?

This is the time to find out what this product does better than others, whether there are already similar ones or not. If the people surveyed mention the key aspect (or aspects) that you considered from the conception of your new release, congratulations: all the previous research and resources that were invested in your work team paid off.

If not, you don’t have to be discouraged either. See it as an opportunity to amend roles and differentiators; that’s what questions about a new product are for.

10. What is the reason why you would not recommend this product to another person?

And, in the same way, you pleasantly received excellent comments, do it with those who are contrary. It might be the last time you can make the most crucial adjustment before launch.

Product Management: In no way do we want you to be discouraged if the answers you receive are not as you imagined. Instead, take what you can to learn something important about your product and turn it into another stellar brand offering to improve your customers’ lives.

11. Does the product work in the areas you require?

For example, if it’s an online service, does it work in all major browsers (not just your engineering team’s favourite)?

Your engineering team may not work with Internet Explorer ( we know that overall internet usage with this browser is low ); however, it is a commonly required corporate browser. If you’re targeting a corporate audience, you may find that your audience’s overall usage is much higher, so it can’t be ignored simply due to the engineering team’s personal preferences. This is just one example of the importance of customer centricity, which must be included in product development.

12. Do you think the process to learn how to use this product would take you less than (time)?

Great design makes the difference between highly successful products and those that, due to their difficulty, fail to reach a large audience. Verify that the learning time with your product is adequate for the benefit that each consumer will obtain.

13. Do you think the product works consistently? – Product Management Write For Us

It must be stable. A product only has one chance to make a first impression, so don’t risk launching a product if it doesn’t work one hundred percent.

If you meet the answers to all of these questions, you can honestly say that your product is fully developed from a marketing and customer perspective, at least enough for launch.

Of course, there will be iterations, enhancements, and even new generations of products along the way, as you launch and learn more about your market. You should never stop receiving feedback in your organization, but at this point, your product is good to go from a marketing perspective.

We already gave you several ideas for your questions; Here are some tips to make your new product survey flawless.

Aspects to consider when defining questions about a new product

1. Define a clear and achievable goal for your survey

What does a clear and achievable goal look like? Let’s say you want to understand why customers leave your business at such a high rate. As a substitute for a goal like, “I want to better understand if they like my product,” your goal should be, “I want to understand the factors that make people prefer this product over  competitor’s.”

Once you’ve established your goal, you can use it as a reference to prioritize the top questions you want to ask.

2. Treat your survey like a conversation

It’s strange to start a conversation with someone by asking how old they are. Similarly, this happens with a survey. Your first questions should be light and direct; then, slowly move on to more personal questions (often demographic ones).

3. Use quantitative questions

While qualitative data can be helpful when trying to gain valuable insight into how people feel, it is less effective when you need complex data, such as determining the market size.

You are better off using quantitative questions to get data that is easier to turn into objective, number-based analysis that you can measure more easily.

For example, when researching and examining the potential market size for a new product, you will want to know more about people’s preferences and behaviours. In this scenario, you can use questions like the ones below to learn more about the potential buying patterns of your target audience.

  • Have you ever bought shaving cream?
  • If so, how often do you buy it?
  • What is your typical budget for a cream?

4. Keep your survey short – Product Management Write For Us

In most cases, your plaintiffs are doing you a favour by taking your survey. What better way to respect your time than to avoid consuming too much of it? You’ll be rewarded with a higher completion rate and more thoughtful answers to the questions you include.

5. Consider including a survey incentive

If you’re interested in getting a lot of responses, an incentive of any kind might be helpful. Potential incentives range from entering respondents into a sweepstake to giving them a gift card if they answer all your questions.

6. Focus on the use of closed questions in Product Management

We are talking about questions that use pre-populated answer options for the respondent, such as multiple-choice questions or checkboxes. They are more accessible for respondents to answer and give you quantitative data to use in your analysis.

Open-ended questions (also known as free-response questions) ask respondents for feedback in their own words. Since open-ended questions can take much longer to answer, try to only include 1-2 of them at the end of the survey.

7. Avoid leading questions to Product Management

In other words, try not to put your own opinion in the question message. Doing so may influence responses in a way that does not reflect the actual experiences of respondents.

For example, instead of asking, “How good were our customer service representatives?” Question: “How helpful were the responses from our customer service representatives?”

8. Keep your answer options balanced – Product Management Write For Us

Let’s review our question: How helpful were the responses from our customer service representatives?”

This is what a set of unbalanced answer choices (which tend to be too positive) looks like:

  1. Very efficient
  2. Efficient
  3. Neither efficient nor inefficient

And this is how they would look once balanced:

  1. Very useful
  2. Useful
  3. Neither efficient nor inefficient
  4. Inefficient
  5. Very inefficient

9. Avoid asking double-edged questions – Product Management Write For Us

Double-meaning questions are when you ask for feedback on two things within a single question.

Here’s an example:

“How would you rate the quality of our product and support?”

How would the respondent answer this question? Would they address the quality of the product? The quality of the support? They may skip the question or (even worse) abandon the survey altogether.

You can solve this question by choosing only one thing to ask, or by splitting the question into two parts.

10. Allow “N/A”, “neutral” or “Not sure” responses

Otherwise, users will get frustrated by being forced to give answers they are uncomfortable with, and you will end up with inaccurate information. It is also a good idea to include the “other” option where appropriate.

Product Management Write For Us

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